What Is Good Bait for Fishing?


Choosing good bait for fishing isn't always easy. From leeches and dough balls to minnows, fishermen use all sorts of stuff to get results. Some even resort to dog food, chicken liver, raisins, or even candy!

Surprisingly, it's possible to catch giant fish with no bait at all. That's not easy, though. Your best bet is to match the bait to the season, hook, and type of fish.

Cut bait, for example, is ideal for bluefish, sea bass, and other saltwater fish species. Shrimp, on the other hand, can be a good choice for most types of fish. The downside is that it can get expensive in the long run.

Interested to find out more? Here's how to choose the best bait for fishing without breaking the wallet!

Learn About the Fish That You're Trying to Catch

First things first, try to learn more about the fish species you want to catch. Consider what they eat and where they live.

Minnows, nightcrawlers, insects, and other live bait will catch most types of fish. For example, you can use mullet as bait for mackerel, kingfish, tarpon, striped bass, and other popular species. Dough balls, grubs, mealworms, and eels are ideal for catching freshwater fish.

Try Different Types of Fishing Lures

Some fishermen prefer live bait, while others use lures. Choosing one over another depends on your budget, personal preferences, and what you’re trying to catch. The type of fishing matters, too. 

Generally, lures are more convenient than live bait. These small items don't require special storage and can be found in any fishing store. Plus, they come in a wide range of colors, shapes, sizes, making it easier to find the right ones for your needs.

Artificial bait, or lures, fall into seven primary categories:

  • Flies

  • Jigs

  • Poppers

  • Spinners

  • Plugs

  • Spoons

  • Crankbaits

A jig, for example, looks like a lead ball adorned with features and other accessories. Poppers, on the other hand, imitate insects. Plus and crankbaits look like tiny fish.

The downside of using lures is their price. If you go fishing regularly, the costs can add up quickly. On top of that, it takes some trial and error to figure out what you should use.

Is Live Bait Better Than Lures?

Live bait isn't necessarily better than lures. Either type of bait will do the trick, depending on how you're using it. What matters most is to consider the species you want to catch.

A potential advantage of using live bait is that you don't have to move the rod. Worms, leeches, crabs, shrimps, and other baits will move on their own.

Depending on your needs, you can either find your own bait or purchase it from fishing stores. Either option will result in lower costs than what you'd spend on lures.

Note that live bait requires more maintenance than artificial bait. Plus, it can get messy. If you choose to go this route, make sure you can store the bait in proper conditions.

Choose the Best Bait for Fishing

Deciding on the best type of bait for fishing comes with its challenges. Be prepared to experiment and get your hands dirty. Most importantly, learn about the fish species you're interested in.

With that being said, it's time to start planning your next fishing trip. Contact us today to see how we can help!