4 Useful Sight Fishing Tips To Help You Catch Clear Water Redfish

Fishing Tips for Catching Redfish

Did you know that there are around 33,600 different fish species across the globe?

Out of all the different types, the clear water redfish can be one of the trickiest to catch. It's worth the effort, though, because their meat has firmness and sweetness you can't find anywhere else.

Are you wondering how you can get them? Keep reading to learn all about useful sight fishing tips to help you catch clear water redfish.

1. Use the Right Lures

If you want sight fishing tips, then be sure to have a variety of lures to use when you do sight some clear water fish. A lot of fishermen fall back on their favorite lures, but this can work against you depending on a variety of factors.

For instance, spinnerbaits can often scare away fish in shallow water because it's too much stimulation. Save that for deeper water. For clear water, you'll want a lure that's see-through but also glittery.

2. Fish at the Right Time

When it comes to sight fishing for clear water redfish, you'll want to stick between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM. This is because the shadows that are cast outside of this time can end up spooking your fish, especially the shadow from your own boat.

If you do find yourself outside of this timeframe, then be sure to keep the sun at your back.

3. Scope Out a Mid-Range Tide

If you're still wondering how to catch clear water redfish, then be sure to avoid going too far out. At that point, the fish could be swimming anywhere. However, you can boost your chances of success when aiming for a mid-range tide.

This will keep your potential catches from retreating deeper in the marsh but still lets you have some good maneuverability.

4. Differentiating Their Wakes

Do you want more tips on how to sight fish? You might be surprised by the kind of wake that a 2-foot redfish can create. They're almost like miniature submarines.

It'll take some practice to differentiate their wakes from mullets, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be catching more redfish than ever. Unlike some other fish, the redfish maintains a pretty consistent pace. Despite this, a flash of their red scales is a sign that they've been spooked and that you should probably start looking for the next one.

Ready to Use These Sight Fishing Tips?

Now that you've learned all about useful sight fishing tips to help you catch clear water redfish, you can make sure that you come home with a wealth of catches after your next outing. You and your family will certainly enjoy the good eating.

Eastern Angling can take you on the best fishing trip of your life. From inshore and offshore fishing to fly fishing and family trips, we can provide you with fond memories that you can look back on with a smile.

Do you have questions about our high-quality services? Feel free to contact us so we can give you all the answers you need.

fishingCapt. Judson Brock