Why Is It Good to Go Fishing Before a Storm?
The calm before the storm is more than just a saying. This period of time prior to the sky opening up also opens up the waters for fish to jump on your line in abundance.
With this fishing guide, we have answers to the pressing question -- "Is it better to fish before or after a storm?"
Fishing before a storm reaps huge rewards. Read on to learn as much as you can about how a brewing storm can be the best thing possible for your next fishing trip.
Fishing Before a Storm Lets You Run and Gun to Catch Bass Quickly
If you're bass fishing before a storm, expect to get some good bites. Fishing before a big storm sends bass into a feeding frenzy and puts them into hunting mode.
This happens because of the change in sunlight, which gives bass an advantage over their prey. When you put some quality live bait on your line during this time, the bass will not only bite plenty -- they'll also bite quickly.
Some of the different types of North American bass that you can fish for include Black Seabass, Yellow Bass, White Seabass, and Peacock Bass.
The Air Pressure Reduces Prior to a Storm
Get to know the science behind what happens before a storm. The barometric pressure drops significantly, which means fish start leaving areas of cold water.
This plays in your favor, as the fish will start to come in your direction, rather than away from your line.
You Can Experience Warm Weather Before a Storm
Don't lose sight of the fact that people like fishing because of the time spent outdoors getting sunshine and fresh air.
The temperatures go up prior to the storm, so you will love the warm weather that it brings. There's something exciting about tracking a storm, grabbing your gear, and running out to hit the water.
You can do it with a t-shirt and shorts prior to a storm since the sun will shine and the temperatures will be comfortable.
North Carolina fishing is prone to storms because of the southeast weather and proximity to the coast. Gauge weather reports each week during storm season and make sure that you always have your gear packed and ready to go.
Plan Out Your Next Fishing Trip to Get More Bites on Your Line
The points above show why fishing before a storm can be an excellent idea. Fishing is a hobby that so many people love, so learning to do it the right way will make it a lifelong pursuit that you'll enjoy for years to come.
At Eastern Angling, we take pride in bridging that gap and helping people make the most of their fishing opportunities. Captain Judson Brock is your guide to navigating the waters and catching whatever fish you're looking for.
All you need to do is get in touch so that you can book your next fishing trip. Take the time to complete our form or give us a call at (910)660-9631.